
More Than a Hobby..

SP8266 - Easiest way to program so far (Using Arduino IDE)

ESP8266 - Easiest way to program so far (Using Arduino IDE)

Yep, another post on the ESP8266 is here (By the way, Have you heard about our Facebook page already? Like us and get updates! We tend not to spam :P). 
It Seems like the ESP8266 community getting larger everyday and great people develop great tools to make the ESP8266 easier to use. (What is the ESP8266? Read some older posts: FlashingConnecting a relaySpectrum Analyzer). 
The last projects were programmed using the NodeMCU Firmware, which creates a very simple operating system on the ESP8266 and let you write and execute LUA files. It has a lot of advantages which were described in those posts but some disadvantages as well such as memory problems and firmware bugs which the average user cannot resolve. 
Recently, some group from the ESP8266 forum published their code on GitHub. The code is an extension to the Arduino IDE which allows to flash programs to the ESP8266, making it kind of arduino compatible - HOORAY!. 
As always, in order to try a new method I must decide on a new project which will encourage me to deal the new method with enthusiasm. The project I decided to build was a new code for the Water heater project posted here a while ago. Reviewing the old post, I found its code more or less a "proof-of-concept" code, where the emphasis was on the hardware. 
The project description in a few bullets:

  • The ESP8266 connects to my router via WiFi and serve as a web-client.
  • A website consists of a manageable SQL database with the schedule of the water heater with a main page for the user. The user can add/erase queries from the database.
  • Every 5 minutes the ESP8266 sends a GET request to the the website and receive the minutes left to turn ON/OFF the water heater. That way, even if the WiFi fails at some point the ESP8266 will still have the most updated schedule from the website. While sending the GET request, the website saves data of the time of request, the status of the GPIO and the ESP8266 IP address. In the main page the user can see when was the last GET request and identify failures in the ESP8266.
  • In case the user can't wait the 5 minutes, the ESP8266 serve as a server as well. From the main page the user can send an "Update" request to the ESP8266 IP address (Which was save before), and the ESP8266 will trigger its update function immediately instead of waiting the 5 minutes.
  • In case there's need to change the water heater status, the GPIO which is connected to the relay will change its status (LOW/HIGH).
  • All the GET requests are password protected (As secured as my knowledge in the field) to avoid hackers messing around with the database.

Installing and Configuring

To get yourself a working environment go over these steps:

(EDIT 11/2015: I have updated the steps)

  • Download the Arduino IDE.
  • Go to File --> Preferences and add the linkhttp://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json to the Additional Boards Manager URLS.ESP8266 Arduino IDE 1
  • Go to Tools --> Board --> Boards managerESP8266 Arduino IDE 2
  • You should now have the esp8266 as an option there since you've added it to the Additional Boards. Select it and press InstallESP8266 Arduino IDE 3
  • Wait for it...ESP8266 Arduino IDE 4
  • Now, You have the ESP8266 boards configure. Choose the board you have, "Generic ESP8266 Module" if you got the regular moduleESP8266 Arduino IDE 5
  • Choose the ESP8266 port and you're done!ESP8266 Arduino IDE 6

Option 2: Another option, which is less preferable but was the only way available when I first wrote this post is:

  • Download the environment from GitHub (Linux,Window or Mac)Downloading ESP8266 Arduino IDE
  • Install the program. Personally, I use windows so no need for explaination here.
  • Choose the port where the ESP8266 is connected.Choosing Port ESP8266 Arduino IDE
  • Choose the ESP8266 from the board lists.Choosing Board ESP8266 Arduino IDE
  • Choose the esptool as programmer and you're done!.

(EDIT 8/2015: In the current version of this tool the programmer option doesn't exist, and doesn't needed to be configured - Just ignore this step)Choosing programmer ESP8266 Arduino IDE

And that's it, you are ready. From what I understood by digging through the files, the new code interpreting the common arduino functions into a clear c++ code, then using the esptool to create a new firmware and flash it on the ESP8266. How come nobody done it earlier ha?

Also, Option 3: Another way to get the enviroment, pointed out to me by the the redditor sej7278, is to download the files from this GitHub repository and put them under your "./Arduino/hardware/" folder. The next time you'll load your arduino IDE you'll have to define the port,board and programmer as explain before and you are ready to go. Some people will find this solution better since they would like to choose with which arduino IDE version they want to integrate with. EDIT 24/6/2016: It seems Option 3 Github link is broken - If you find the link let me know :)

Writing a program to the ESP8266

Flashing a program to the ESP8266 is a bit more annoying than flashing an Arduino. When flashing the arduino, all you have to do is press the reset button and release while you upload a program (or even not doing anything if you have FTDI such as in arduino UNO,MEGA) and the arduino will start uploading. With the ESP8266 you have to reset the micro-controller and start it in flashing mode using the GPIO0-to-Ground already mentioned in some older posts. If you don't have any ESP8266 development board and only the module itself I advice building the next circuit 
Flashing ESP8266 circuitWhich will make your life easier. NOTE: The "78xxl" part is actually LM1117 part, did not have it in the Fritzing library. 
The sketch shows the formal way to connect ESP8266 to FTDI with a voltage regulator - However, two more buttons have been added. The right button, when pressed, connects the RESET pin to the ground and when it is released, connects the RESET pin to the VCC through a pull-up resistor. The left button, when pressed, connect GPIO0 to the ground. Using this two buttons you can do all the tasks you need with the ESP8266:

  • Working on normal mode - Both buttons are released.
  • Resetting the ESP8266 - Press the reset button and release.
  • Start in flash mode - Press both buttons, release the reset button and then release the GPIO0 button.

My ESP8266 code can be found on GitHub. Check it and you can see it is very similar to an arduino code:

  • Starts with a setup() function.
  • Followed by a loop() function.
  • Serial commands are supported in order to send data to the terminal
  • Other arduino commands are supported as well. delay() , millis() , digitalWrite() etc.

In addition, I've included the header file <ESP8266WiFi.h> which completes the other commands needed, among them:

  • WiFi library - To connect WiFi simply use the next code:
      WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  • Client library - With this library you can connect a host (client.connect()), send a GET request (client.print()), listen and receive data (client.available() , client.readStringUntil('\r')).

  • Server library - Allows you to create a server, which upon request (server.available()) creates a client that will handle the request and send a response.

The rest of the code is just the logic. It starts with all the initial definitions, taken from the TheDudeParams.h file, followed by a definition of the water-heater class which consists of all the useful functions, and then the setup() and loop() functions which handles the connections and the logic. In case of a WiFi problem, the ESP8266 will keep its last records and try to re-connect the WiFi at each time it begins the loop() function. 
I'm pretty bad at writing comments in my code so if something is not clear just ask!

Creating the web server

I've used to have some PHP skills which I almost forgot, and no skills at all with SQL so I thought it'll be a good time to learn everything again. I started by getting a domain and hosting-space at GoDaddy, then created there a SQL database. It is very easy to do so using their website but I know some people prefer to ssh-connect the server and do everything by themselves. The main file dude.php is the user page. It produces a web page like that: 
Web-server ESP8266 Arduino IDEIn the page the user can:

  • See the entire schedule, ordered by time of activation.
  • Erase records.
  • Add a new record.
  • Send an update request to the ESP8266.
  • See when was the last time the ESP8266 synchronized with the server.

After pressing each of the buttons a password must be provided.

Another "behind-the-scenes" file is the getIP.php, which is the file the ESP8266 send requests to. Its main goals:

  • Saves a file with the request time, GPIO0 status and the ESP8266 IP address.
  • Handle Records:
    • Update "Daily" past records to the next day.
    • Deletes any non-relevant records (past records).
  • Send a push notification if the GPIO0 state has changed (using PushingBox)
  • Send response to the ESP8266 with the next ON/OFF schedule.

Both PHP files include the file function.php which consists of some useful SQL handling functions and includes init.php which is the definitions of all the names and passwords.

Final Thoughts

At the moment, the programs are running for a few days now, seems very robust. The idea of sending the ESP8266 only the relevant data was in order to keep its code simple and handle the more complicated code at a higher-level environment. The ESP8266 clock is not a precise clock such as using a RTC chip but if it synchronizes every few minutes with the web it is practical enough.

ESP8266 Triple Protocol Server

ESP8266 Triple Protocol Server


http-mqtt-coaphttp://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/http-mqtt-coap-300x94.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 718px) 100vw, 718px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

In my previous post, a comparison was made between ESP8266 Http and MQTT hosted servers. But the evaluation was not complete…it did not include CoAP. So I decided to add CoAP to the ESP8266 server sketch and revisit the performance.

Like MQTT and Http, CoAP is deployed in IoT things for M2M communication. But what is it?

Simply stated, CoAP, or Constrained Application Protocol is a web communication structure designed for use with limited resource Internet Things. For some light reading (zzzz) with all the details, refer to RFC 7252 upon which it is based. This protocol is designed to be light-weight, using connection-less UDP over IP.

But this is not a CoAP tutorial.

The purpose of this article is to compare the performance of CoAP with my previous comparison of MQTT to Http. To keep things on a level playing field, CoAP was evaluated using the same server get command that we used to test MQTT and Http servers.

Building on the initial design, the dual server sketch was simply updated to include CoAP. This example now supports three IoT communication protocols: CoAP, Mqtt and http. And just as before, there are two build options for the http server; one using the Arduino Wifi library for ESP8266 and the other using the EspressIf SDK API.

And as is the case with many of my first-time endeavors, an unexpected finding was uncovered…

Triple Protocol Server Sketch

Since this was my first attempt with a CoAP implementation, I started out searching for a suitable example as a basis for the sketch. Fortunately, there was one available, microcoap. That library is used in my sketch. It turned out to be a bit more than a trivial library addition to the sketch.

In addition to the sketch changes, the CoAP protocol required 3 new files;

  1. coap.h       - Header file for coap library
  2. coap.c       - Coap library code
  3. endpoints.c  - CoAP interface for this example sketch

The coap.h,c files were added to the Arduino library while the endpoints.c is added to the sketch folder.

All of the typedefs and #defines were moved from the sketch to a separate header file; sketch.h.

The CoAP communication relies on UDP over IP. While a callback is preferred, this CoAP implementation requires polling in the loop() function to check for incoming CoAP packets. This added step to the 3-protocol server loop() function is implemented in the function “ProcessCOAPMsg()”.

  1. void loop() {
  2.     util_startWIFI();                    // Connect wifi if connection dropped
  3.     #if MQTT_SVR_ENABLE==1
  4.     MqttServer_Processor();              // Service MQTT
  5.     #endif
  6.     #if SVR_TYPE==SVR_HTTP_LIB
  7.     ArduinoWebServer_Processor();        // Service Web Server
  8.     #endif
  10.     ProcessCOAPMsg();                    // Service CoAP Messages
  11.     ReadSensors(2500);                   // Read 1 sensor every 2.5 seconds or longer
  12. }

But there is one way to reduce the loop() tasks. Fortunately, we have the option of  using the SDK for the web server, which uses callbacks instead of polling in loop(). As you can see, the pre-compiler directive only includes the web server in loop() when the LIB option is selected. The callback is executed anytime an external http connection is made, eliminating the need to poll in loop().

In order to add some functionality to the original server, a fourth command was added to the 3 included with the dual mqtt and http server:

  1. Turn LED On
  2. Turn LED Off
  3. Get Sensor Values
  4. Blink LED n times

The added command in this example serves two new purposes:

First, this was an opportunity to have a command example that also required a parameter, In this case, the “blink” command needs a parameter to identify the number of blinks to perform.

Secondly, this command needs to be run asynchronous with the server reply. So that the reply is complete while the LED blinks continued. This would also be the case for any command that may require significant time to complete. Requiring a server reply before the command execution finishes.

In this case, a non-blocking function is launched using a timer. The timer receives a parameter identifying how many times remain in the blink sequence, as well as the state (on or off) to set the LED. Each time the timer is called (with a 500 ms delay to provide time for the observer to see the LED state), the LED changes state and the timer is called again. This continues until the commanded number of blinks finishes.

  1. ********************************************************
  2.  * Callback for Blink timer
  3.  * Function: BlinkCallback(int *pArg)
  4.  * 
  5.  * Parameter    Description
  6.  * ---------    -----------------------------------------
  7.  * *pArg        int - number of times to blink LED
  8.  * *pArg+1      int - set LED state (0=off,1=on) 
  9.  * *pArg+2      int - set to 1 first time to print header 
  10.  * return       no return value
  11.  ********************************************************/
  12. void BlinkCallback(int *pArg) {
  13.     int i;
  14.     int nblinks,ledstate,start;
  16.     nblinks = *(int *)pArg;                           // Number of LED blinks
  17.     ledstate = *(int *)(pArg+1);                      // LED state to program
  18.     start = *(int *)(pArg+2);                         // Set to 1 first time this is 
  19.                                                          called
  20.     if(start == 1)
  21.     {
  22.         Serial.print("Blink countdown:");             // LED countdown header to serial                                                         port
  23.         blinkarg[2] = 0;                              // Do not print header next time
  24.     }
  25.     if(ledstate==1)
  26.     {
  27.          Serial.print( nblinks);                      // Current Blink number
  28.          if(nblinks&gt;1) 
  29.          {
  30.              Serial.print(".");                       // Blink countdown separator
  31.          }
  32.          else
  33.          {
  34.              Serial.println("...");                   // Separator after last blink
  35.          }
  36.          digitalWrite(LED_IND, HIGH);                 // Set LED On
  37.          blinkarg[1] = 0;                             // Set LED off next time
  38.          os_timer_arm(&amp;BlinkLedTimer, 500, false);    // Execute this function 1 time 
  39.                                                          after 500 ms
  40.     }
  41.     else
  42.     {
  43.          digitalWrite(LED_IND, LOW);
  44.          blinkarg[1] = 1;                             // start with led on cmd
  45.          if(--nblinks!=0) {                           // Execute until blinks remaining                                                                                            is 0
  46.             --blinkarg[0];                            // Decrement remaining blinks 
  47.             os_timer_arm(&amp;BlinkLedTimer, 500, false); // Execute this function 1 time 
  48.                                                          after 500 ms
  49.          }     
  50.     }
  51. }

Ready to download this Arduino IDE server code?

You can get the triple CoAP, MQTT & HTTP Web Server sketch and associated files here.

CoAP Server

The commands the CoAP server responds to is defined in the file “endpoints.c” All the methods for the CoAP server are defined in the “endpoints array:

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // Define all CoAP Methods for this Server
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. const coap_endpoint_t endpoints[] =
  5. {
  6.     {COAP_METHOD_GET, handle_get_well_known_core, &amp;path_well_known_core, "ct=40"},
  7.     {COAP_METHOD_GET, handle_get_light, &amp;path_light, "ct=0"},
  8.     {COAP_METHOD_GET, handle_get_light_blink, &amp;path_light_blink, "ct=0"},
  9.     {COAP_METHOD_GET, handle_get_request, &amp;path_request, "ct=0"},
  10.     {COAP_METHOD_PUT, handle_put_request, &amp;path_request, NULL},
  11.     {COAP_METHOD_PUT, handle_put_light, &amp;path_light, NULL},
  12.     {COAP_METHOD_PUT, handle_put_light_blink, &amp;path_light_blink, NULL},
  13.     {(coap_method_t)0, NULL, NULL, NULL}
  14. };
  15. The function names, starting with "handle_", identify the callbacks executed when a request is received corresponding

The function names, beginning with “handle_”, identify the callbacks executed when a request is received corresponding the service path. And the service paths which are returned from CoAP “Discovery” requests are defined in this file for each method:

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // Define URI path for all CoAP Methods for this Server
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. static const coap_endpoint_path_t path_well_known_core = {2, {".well-known", "core"}};
  5. static const coap_endpoint_path_t path_light_blink = {1, {"light_blink"}};
  6. static const coap_endpoint_path_t path_request = {1, {"request"}};
  7. static const coap_endpoint_path_t path_light = {1, {"light"}};

The list can be expanded to meet your own custom server requirements. In order to test the CoAP server in operation, a CoAP client is needed.

CoAP Client

My initial plan was to expand the html/Javascript test page used to compare Mqtt with http servers to include CoAP.  But every implementation found required an http to CoAP proxy. This proved to be more challenging to implement than I had planned. At this time, I was unsuccessful. This may come later. But for now, for this evaluation, I settled for a browser plugin. The choices were limited. That is to say, only one was available.

It is called Copper (Cu) CoAP user-agent. At this time, it is only supported with the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Installation is simple:

First, if not already on your computer,  you need to install the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Then, using this browser open the URL “https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/copper-270430/” and click on the “+ Add to Firefox” button.

So how do we use this client?

Fortunately, the interface to the ESP8266 CoAP server is easy to access with this plugin. Once added to Mozilla Firefox, start the ESP8266 with the triple server sketch running and enter the following into the browser URL field:


Of course, if you have your own domain pointing to your broadband connection with your router configured to forward port 5683 to your ESP8266, you would enter:

coap://<your domain>:5683/

This will open your interactive CoAP interface tool. It should appear initially similar to this:

firefox1http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox1-300x224.jpg 300w, http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox1-768x574.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

A nice feature of the CoAP protocol is discovery. Click on the Discover button for the CoAP server (our ESP8266 device) to report back the services it will support:

firefox2http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox2-300x224.jpg 300w, http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox2-768x574.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

The command/response mechanism is straightforward. Click on one of the 3 services shown, enter the “Outgoing” payload, and click on the PUT button. The ESP8266 CoAP server reply will appear at the “Incoming” payload tab. Here are all the services & payloads supported.

 ServicePayloadServer Reply
Turn LED on light 1 1
Turn LED off light 0 0
Blink LED 3 times light_blink 3 3
Turn LED on request /?request=LedOn LED is now ON
Turn LED off request /?request=LedOff LED is now OFF
Blink LED 6 times request /?request=BlinkLed&nblink=6 LED is now blinking 6 times.
Get Sensor values request /?request=GetSensors JSON Sensor values string

The “request” service supports identical commands for all three server types. Again, to keep things consistent, the “GetSensors” request will be used for this evaluation, the same command that was used for the dual server test.

In that case, select the “request” service, enter /?request=GetSensors in the Outgoing payload window, and click on the “PUT” button.

firefox3http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox3-300x224.jpg 300w, http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox3-768x574.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

The response (Incoming payload) will be the same as the reply received using the MQTT or HTTP servers:

firefox4http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox4-300x224.jpg 300w, http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/firefox4-768x574.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

Response Delay Evaluation

For the MQTT and HTTP servers, a simple web page, using only html and JavaScript was used to measure the delay from the time a request was sent to the time the reply was received. The web page file is called “mqtt_server.html”; it is on GitHub here.

And the CoAP server evaluation used the Firefox Modzilla browser plug-in.

MQTT and HTPP Response Time

With mqtt_server.html open, the time starts when the button is clicked to send a request to the server. When the reply is received, the end time-stamp was captured. But what I found was that this end stamp was not saved immediately, resulting in inaccurate readings. This is likely due to the asynchronous nature of JavaScript. To correct this, a 1 second callback was added from the time the reply time-stamp was captured to the time the lapse time was calculated. This resulted in repeatable results which appear to accurately report the response delay.

CoAP Response Time

The response time is reported directly from the Firefox Mozilla tool when a request was sent by clicking on the “Put button. The time is referenced as RTT in the Mozilla windows in the format:

<IP or domain name>:5683 (RTT: 26 ms)

In this example, the response time was 26 ms.


Ten requests were made for each of the three server setups. The average of the ten readings are shown in this table:

Sample 1 23 361 273 54
Sample 2 23 322 488 96
Sample 3 125 315 505 39
Sample 4 271 360 537 58
Sample 5 27 409 482 63
Sample 6 99 423 559 94
Sample 7 12 345 488 59
Sample 8 11 333 455 102
Sample 9 10 325 434 36
Sample 10 103 325 329 21
Average 70 352 455 62

The time is measured in milliseconds. From this experiment, the HTTP SDK API and CoAP servers offer significantly less latency than either the HTTP Wifi Library or MQTT. From this, we can conclude that callbacks that do not use the sketch loop() function are more efficient. And the UDP over IP result in faster replies than TCP connections when polling is used, but reply at comparable speeds when HTTP callbacks are used.

The Unexpected Discovery

As I mentioned in the beginning, an unexpected discovery was made in the course of this evaluation. Unfortunately, it is not a good thing, but it must be told. Hopefully, this may allow someone to avoid the pitfall. This finding was made using Arduino IDE version 1.6.5. Later versions might have corrected the issue.

This has to do with the HTTP Wifi Library based server. What I have found is that with every server request made, the system heap shrinks. This is returned as the “SYS_Heap” value (bytes) from a “GetSensors” request. The bytes do not return to the heap for a while, sometimes minutes later, sometimes, it appears never to be relinquished.

What does this mean?

Well, if requests are made often enough, the heap will shrink to the point that the ESP8266 resets, sometimes without recovery (crashes). None of the other server types presented here exhibit any heap shrinkage from receiving and replying to request.

I checked this with some of my earlier Arduino IDE sketches. Regretfully, they all exhibit this same heap shrinkage when server requests are made.

Recommendation: Avoid using the HTTP Wifi Library based server. Instead, use the EspressIf SDK API, similar to what has been presented in this sketch.

Especially if you have experienced unexplained ESP8266 crashes or resets when your sketch runs for an extended period of time. The depletion of the heap could definitely be the root cause.

In Closing

As you can see from the results, CoAP performs well as compared to polling MQTT and HTTP servers.

CoAP is indeed a viable option as an IoT M2M communication protocol, This method provides a solution that is lightweight, fast and there are many implementation options available. Unfortunate, these options do not directly include client side JavaScript webpages. A proxy is needed to translate the UDP CoAP to http. This proxy would undoubtedly slow down the message transfers, but this alone is unlikely to be significant enough to discount CoAP.

And as “lightweight” as CoAP is intrinsically, the implementation code is more complex and lengthy than any other server.

I hope this example provides anyone interested with a framework to pursue ESP8266 CoAP communications further. My next step will to create custom CoAP clients. For my needs, two platforms will be useful. An Android based smartphone App and a browser solution accessible from any browser.

4 ways to eliminate ESP8266 resets

If you have worked with the ESP8266 for any length of time, you have undoubtedly experienced the endless resets on power-up. The looping message occurs at about 5 second intervals, which seems to be the default internal watchdog timer time-out period. The message, at 115200 baud, looks something like this:

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)
wdt reset
load 0x40100000, len 30000, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x67
load 0x3ffe8000, len 2556, room 8
tail 4
chksum 0xb7
load 0x3ffe8a00, len 3080, room 4
tail 4
chksum 0x59
csum 0x59

I have yet to come across a definitive explanation for this behavior.

Is this the boot-loader?

The core firmware?

Perhaps a chip defect?

From what I have experienced and read from other users, there are two likely hardware causes that makes logical sense:

  1. Inadequate power supply interface
  2. A flash chip failure.

In order to prevent resets, you must include the following three features in the power source to the ESP8266.

  1. Sufficient current. A regulated 3.3V source of at least 500ma is essential. Aside from the 300ma peak current needs of the ESP8266, it is essential to also consider the current requirements for other components you have – like the sensors and controls in your circuit.
  2. A large capacitor (suggest using 470 uF) across the Vcc to Gnd rails on your breadboard or PCB is a vital ingredient that will minimize reset inducing voltage fluctuations.
  3. A 0.1 uF decoupling capacitor across the ESP8266 Vcc to Gnd inputs very close to the pins (within 1/2 inch). DO NOT SKIP THIS COMPONENT! This cheap yet often overlooked component, when missing, is the root cause of ESP8266 resets.

Even with these power supply precautions, we know the flash chip (25Q40) used with many of these ESP8266 module is of low quality and fails after only a few flash cycles. Perhaps sending the code somewhere that it never returns from. Triggering the watchdog timer to reset the unit.

I currently have some replacement flash chips on order and shall see if replacing that chip does indeed remedy the unwanted power-up resets. Unfortunately, my ESP8266-12 (-7 also) has a metal shield over the active components, including the flash chip. This will have to be removed in order to gain access to the memory chip. Removing the shield will require a heat gun—and may very well damage the ESP8266 component. That will be done as last resort, when the reset loops appear to be a permanent condition, rendering the module a “brick”.

But for me, I have not had either of my 2 prototyping ESP8266 assemblies fall into a non-repairable reset loop state yet. If the power supply measures noted above are in place, but you are still experiencing resets, here are a few steps I have been taking with some success to bring back to life an ESP8266 stuck in a ‘Groundhog Day’ reset loop:

Note: Since the entire ESP8266 module is so cheap, if you do not wish to invest your precious time in reviving your module, simply chuck it and start again with another unit. Otherwise, read on, here are 4 methods to correct an ESP8266 stuck repeating reset loops endlessly…

1. Check your connections

This seems obvious. But I have not seen this to be a problem with other MPUs, like an Arduino, Spark Core and even PIC processors.

But my first two ESP8266 set-ups use a standard solder-less breadboard. I have heard that the ESP8266 is very sensitive to intermittent connections, and the solder-less breadboard is not recommended. And sure enough, it has been a problem in my setup. While I have since switched to use soldered contacts on a prototyping vector-board, I am still using the two original breadboards for initial testing. Using these units to limit the flash cycles on the more permanent soldered set-ups.

I have already flashed these 2 initial units a couple hundred times, and counting…

Solder-less Breadboardhttp://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/breadboard-725x1024.jpg 725w" sizes="(max-width: 212px) 100vw, 212px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

Solder-less breadboard set-up

After many frustrating and unsuccessful attempts to revive my original setup out of reset purgatory, I made a final inspection of the jumpers and found a few of them only partially engaged.

After securing all the connections again…

The phoenix rose from the ashes. Yes, I had just about given up on this unit And now, the next flash successfully restored the set-up out it’s reset loops. The module was spared the life threatening heat gun!

ESP8266 secured on a PCBhttp://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/circuitpicture22-1024x430.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">

Soldered Printed Circuit Board set-up

2. Clear the memory

Along with securing connections, flashing some of the original binaries back into the module has always worked for me to clear the reset problem, so far. As I have already mentioned, it appears that the code gets stuck somewhere that it never returns from, resulting in a wdt reset. This would seem to be as result of corrupted memory. So clearing the flash memory, if possible, should correct the endless reset condition.

Here is what I have found to work:

2.1 Flash AT command set

Flash the ESP8266 with original AT command binary. In case you do not have the flasher, one place to get it:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3dUKfqzZnlwVGc1YnFyUjgxelE/view

Restarting the module in normal mode (GPIO2 HI) should result in a 115200 baud start-up message ending with “ready”. And it should respond to the “AT” command with “OK”.

If so, sweet! –-you are good to go.

But it is not always resolved that easily. Sometimes you got to dig deeper. If, your start-up message ends with “jump to user1” and then stops, additional steps will be needed to restore the module.

2.2 Flash blank.bin

Flashing the blank.bin file, which comes with the nodemcu flasher program, is another method to clear the memory. Using the nodemcu flasher, flash the 4K blank.bin to the following 5 starting addresses:

0x00000, 0x01000, 0x40000, 0x7c000, 0x7e000

Then repeat “2.1 Flash AT command set” above.

2.3 Flash blank to the entire 512 kbytes

I have also created a 512 kbyte version of the blank.bin file to clear the entire flash chip. After flashing this file to 0x00000, the entire flash memory address space is cleared.

After clearing the entire flash chip, I have found it necessary to flash the 4 files in the following zip.


Once this is complete, again, repeat “2.1 Flash AT command set” above.

3. Replace the flash memory chip

When all else fails, replace the flash memory chip. This involves soldering to remove the faulty 8-pin device and replacing it with a new one. While I do not have a known source to recommend, there are many to choose from on Aliexpress.com. Like the ESP8266, the flash chips are inexpensive, but there is no way to know for sure about the quality. At a minimum, read the reviews from other buyers before placing your order.

4. Software design considerations

There have been problems experienced that could not be overcome using the nodeMCU/lua and SDK development environments. I will write a blog post soon to document those issues. So the following considerations use the Arduino IDE, which is the only development IDE that has been both effective and reliable in implementing my program requirements at this time…

I have yet to find any information that provides the developer much control over the watchdog timer (wdt). The API simply allows you to enable/disable the timer and to “feed” it. I assume “feed” resets the timer although I have not found any documentation to support that assumption. I have found the following steps necessary to eliminate my IoT software application induced resets:

  • The wdt is enabled by default. It should be enabled during normal application operation. If it is disabled in software, instead of resetting, the ESP8266 will halt when a wdt timeout occurs.

  • It is important to return control to the processors periodically. This is done using the yield() or delay() statements. For example, sensor readings requiring more that 0.5 seconds to complete should be followed by a yield() or delay().

  • In addition to yielding control, I have found it necessary to “feed” the wdt periodically to prevent time-consuming tasks from tripping a wdt reset.

Hopefully this helps someone who has struggled with unwanted module resets.

Reworking the AI Thinker T5 – Part VI – Blinkenlights!

Reworking the AI Thinker T5 – Part VI – Blinkenlights!

Okay, now we get to the bit that everyone’s been waiting for; we’re going to connect up the LEDs.  Yay!

If you remember back to the original description of the board, I mentioned that there were three LEDs (next to the ESP8266 module) which, with their current-limiting resistors, were arranged in a vaguely spoked shape (and as there are only three spokes, it’s more like an old-fashioned water valve than a bicycle wheel).  Unfortunately, the folks who designed the board put the LEDs on the inside of the spokes (with the resistors on the outside), which kinda’ spoils the effect …and also makes them a little more difficult to wire up, as the cathodes are all so close together.  In an earlier instalment, I added a short jumper wire between GPIO5 of the ESP8266 and the cathode of the blue LED (which is the one closest to the ESP8266), simply so that I could have some indication that the module was powered on and operational.  As with most quick-and-dirty hacks, it has become permanent and, despite the fact that it’s butt-ugly, I’m not planning to change it.  That leaves the two others.


Going back to the photo of the wiring to switch K1, you can see the short jumper to the blue LED quite clearly.  The spoke pointing directly at switch K2 is a green LED and the one pointing  directly at the edge of the board is a red LED.  It’s also clear from the photo that soldering wires to the cathodes of the two other LEDs would be quite challenging.  Luckily, the drive for all three LEDs came from the QFP 8051 chip, so the cathodes of all three are wired to the pads where that unluckydevice used to sit.  Equally luckily (for my shaky-handed soldering), the pad for the blue LED is between the other two and, as the blue is already connected, it gives us a little bit of extra clearance to play with when soldering wires onto the green and red pads.  The original schematic didn’t identify which LED was which, but our updated (ie:- scribbled on) version has them labelled.Annotated schematic As you can see, the drive for the red LED is wired to pad 26 and the green to pad 28, so all we need to do is run wires from spare GPIOs on the ESP to those pads and update our test progam to use them.  We’re going to use the adjacent GPIO14 and GPIO12 as our drive pins (GPIO4, on the other side of the module, is also still free, but we’re going to use that later for the connection to switch K2).  For GPIO14 and GPIO12, we’ll run the wires around the rather bulky (and, for us, badly placed) smoothing cap sited between the ESP module and the edge of the board, under the DHT11 sensor and directly to the QFP pads (which are on the DHT11 side of the footprint).  Again, use super-glue or tiny bits of hot-glue stick, melted with the soldering iron, to hold these (quite long) wires down to the PCB.

After completion, here’s what my board looked like.Red & Green LED Wiring It’s starting to get a little bit crowded around that SMD capacitor, but there’s only one spare GPIO left on that side of the board anyway, so we’re not going to be adding too many more wires.

Updated code is available from the GitHub repository.  The new file is named DHT11_Test_Blinken.ino and, in normal Arduino style, must be moved into a directory named DHT11_Test_Blinken to enable compilation.  Note that the user_config.h file needs to be available in the same directory and that configuration changes specific to your network must be made in that file prior to compilation (ie:- your access-point SSID and password, your MQTTserver hostname and port-number, etc).

Note that if you’ve already completed the previous rework to connect switch K1 to GPIO0, you can now initiate programming mode on your T5 by turning off the power, holding down K1 and the switching the power back on again.  You should be able to release K1 as soon as the board has powered up.

After programming with the “Blinken” code, the coloured LEDs will display a very brief “spinning wheel” at power-on and at all subsequent deep-sleep wake-ups.

The next instalment will cover adding K2 as a “mode control” switch, to change the function of the board at power-up time.

Mobile Sensor #1

IoT, Measuring temperature and light with ESP8266 ESP-12, DS18B20 and LDR.


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