
More Than a Hobby..

Philip Hue




Using this debugger utility you can populate the components of an HTTP call – the basis of all web traffic and of the hue RESTful interface.

  1. URL: this is actually the local address of a specific resource (thing) inside the hue system. It could be light, a group of lights or many more things. This is the object you’ll be interacting with in this command.
  2. A body: this is the part of the message which describes what you want to change and how. Here you enter, in JSON format, the resource name and value you’d like to change/add.
  3. A method: here you have a choice of the 4 HTTP methods the hue call can use.
    • GET: this is the command to fetch all information about the addressed resource
    • PUT: this is the command to modify an addressed resource
    • POST: this is the command to create a new resource inside the addressed resource
    • DELETE: this is the command to deleted the addressed resource
  4. Response: In this area you’ll see the response to your command. Also in JSON format.