
More Than a Hobby..

OpenStack - Bootcamp Lab Access

Bootcamp Lab Access

Welcome to OneCloud’s OpenStack Bootcamp. This website will provide you with access credentials to the remote lab environment and lab guide you will use during the course.

Getting Started: “Remote” Access Your Lab Environment via SSH (Mac) or Putty (PC)

After you have been assigned a User Number by your instructor, you must enable your access credentials at the [Class IP Assignments] page. It is available as an option under the OpenStack dropdown menu on this website. If you have not already done this, please take a moment to enable your user environment in the far right “Pick” column. This will set up the lab instructions on this website with the appropriate configurations that are specific to your specific user number.

Next follow the instructions below to SSH to the live lab environment. On a PC, you will need to have Putty installed. On a Mac you can use the native Terminal program.

You will need to have PuTTY installed on your computer. See the graphic below these instructions for reference. In the line below, replace YYY with your aio number (e.g. user5 will be aio115, so replace YYY with 115).

1) Open putty, enter in the host/ip and ensure ssh/22 is selected for protocol/port

2) Select the +Connection, +SSH, Tunnel in the Category: section

3) Add 8080 as the source port, and Local under the destination section with as the destination.

4) Add 6080 as the source port, and Local under the destination section with as the destination.

5) Go back to the session option, and name the session under “Saved Sessions” and then save it.

6) Now open thePuTTY session, and log in. You will have a local shell in putty.

Untitledhttp://onecloudclass.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Untitled-100x96.png 100w, http://onecloudclass.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Untitled.png 519w" sizes="(max-width: 519px) 100vw, 519px" style="box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; height: auto; vertical-align: middle; display: block; margin: 0px auto 1.313em;">

You will log in as user17 and the following password:


From this jumpbox prompt you will now need to SSH to either your aio or compute machine, depending on the lab your are working on. As you will start on your aio (control) node, we will use that for this example. To SSH to your aio node:

ssh centos@aio151

with password centos if needed.
This will return a prompt that looks like:

You are now all set to start with Step 1 in Lab 1 – Keystone.