
More Than a Hobby..

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /customers/3/2/5/taillieu.info/httpd.www/templates/taillieuinfo_joomla3_rev1/functions.php on line 194

belstat.be Counter

WebCom2013 - Gate / Passage Control x33


WebCom2013 - Gate / Passage Control x33

#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 30 // Payload lenght including: Sync Byte x47 (optional), dstID, MyID, Type, Inst, Len, Data[]
#define vw_Speed 2000 // Baudrate Virtual Wire 2000
#define pinRS433Rx 5 // PD5 HW pin 11 connected to RF433 Receiver
#define pinRS433Tx 6 // PD6 HW pin 12 connected to RF433 Transmitter
#define pinDS18S20 4 // PD4 HW pin connected to Temperature sensor
#define pinBusyLed 07 // 7 => PD7, shared with nRF905_CE // 13 => PB5, Shared with SCK
IMG 2014-12-15 11.08.05 Small 
 IMG 2014-12-15 11.07.49 Small
sWebComConfig WebComConfig = {
ProgramMyID, //uint8_t MyID; // X47x31x61x30x31x32 71;49;97;48;49;50 GGG1a012 (12594)
true, //bool Enable_Com; // Enable Com Port
true, //bool Enable_vwRF433; // Enable vwRF433
false, //bool Enable_nRF905; // Enable nRF905
nRF905ADDR, //byte nRF905addr[4]; // {192, 168, 0, 2} // Address of this device (4 bytes)
true, //bool Enable_Alarm; // Enable Alarm
2, //uint8_t AlarmPin ; // LDR-HW pin connected 0 = ADC2
500, //int AlarmTreshold; // 0-1024
0xFF, //uint8_t AlarmDstID; // AlarmDstID
28, //uint8_t AlarmInst; // Alarm Instruction // => Data has Alarm Value, Len = 2
1, //int AlarmCount; // Count Alarm cycles
true, //bool Enable_Event; // Enable Alarm
20000, //long EventPeriod_ms; // Event Period in milli Sec
3, //uint8_t EventPin ; // LDR-HW pin connected ADC3
500, //int EventTreshold; // 0-1024
0xFF, //uint8_t EventDstID; // AlarmDstID
17, //uint8_t EventInst; // Alarm Instruction // => Data has Alarm Value, Len = 2
0, //int EventCount; // Count Event Cycles
false, //bool Enable_Temperature; // Enable Alarm
22.1, //float UpperTemperature;
14.9, //float LowerTemperature;
0xFF, //uint8_t TempAlarmDstID; // TemperatureAlarm DstID
28, //uint8_t TempAlarmInst; // TemperatureAlarm Instruction // => Data has Alarm Value, Len = 2
1, // Enable Network
2, // Set httpMode AnalogInputs = 1, RF433Control = 2, SDWebServer = 3
0, // EnableSMS
"0473990345", // PhoneNumber
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } // uint8_t Spare[10];